As a responsible member of society, Hanwha Vision seeks to provide fundamental solutions to solve economic, environmental, and social problems and lead positive change through our business, technology, and social activities. Along with this, based on the philosophy of 'Together, further,' we will create a better future for all by realizing the value of fair management and sharing.
Hanwha Vision faithfully complies with the obligations of global environmental regulations to create a sustainable future and is making continuous efforts to minimize the impact on the environment wherever our technology and capabilities reach.

Compliance with international environmental standards
Hanwha Vision abides by the European and Chinese RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) and observes the restriction on substances hazardous to the human body in our product. We have also obtained ISO14001 certification, satisfying international standards for environmental management.
Green purchase
In order to provide eco-friendly products to our customers, we go through a verification process through the product development and design stages. We have institutionalized the submission of information on hazardous substances in materials when purchasing parts for product production, and we are conducting environmental management capability evaluation when selecting suppliers. We also encourage purchasing environmental-friendly certified products for subsidiary materials consumed in production activities.
Eco-friendly products
Hanwha Vision attaches environmental labels on products with eco-friendly features so they can be easily identified.
Hanwha Vision respects the human rights of its employees, understands the importance of work-life balance, and seeks effective collaboration through win-win cooperation with its partners. Also, by generating additional value for customers and local communities, we are leading positive change.

Flexible organizational culture and system
We find ways to create a flexible organizational culture where our members can focus both on their work and life through work-life balance. We have implemented a 'flexible commute system' for employees to manage their commuting time flexibly, and various leave systems such as a 'sabbatical month' which provides a one-month vacation, a 'dad's vacation' to encourage male employees to use leave after their spouse gives birth, and a 'development leave' for self-development.
Mutual growth through win-win cooperation
Hanwha Vision helps SMEs strengthen their capabilities and enter the public procurement market through a 'win-win cooperation support system between large and small businesses'. We jointly produce products through our vision technology (AI, image process, optical, etc.) and support entrance into the public procurement market and the domestication of imported parts and materials.
Safety and trust-based system
We comply with worker safety standards through ISO 45001 (management systems of occupational health and safety) certification and construct a quality assurance system throughout the entire process of products and services through ISO 9-001(quality management system) to provide our customers with a sense of trust.
Hanwha Vision has a compliance committee responsible for ethics and compliance management. We provide guidelines to our members to help them comply with the law and are now developing training programs to increase the understanding of compliance.

Compliance management program
Hanwha Vision's internal compliance organization conduct regular self-inspection for our members, distribute specific regulations and manuals, raise awareness on compliance through regular training and check implementation status.
Compliance operating organization